Being Ready To Day Trade

3 years ago

How do you prepare to day trade? What helps you perform best? As with any activity, being prepared and focused will help you trade more effectively. I share the few simple, yet game-changing things I do that help me trade.

0:00 - 0:50 Introduction
0:50 - 1:05 Shower/Wake Up
1:05 - 1:37 Put Pants On
1:37 - 2:55 Soothing Sounds = Waves
2:55 - 4:23 Accepting The Day's Result
4:23 - 4:35 Conclusion

My Favorite Waves/Sound Video:

What are your preparation steps each morning? What helps you get into the trading zone?

***Disclaimer: This is for educational purposes containing my personal opinions and approaches, this is not investment advice. All trades are made in my smaller accounts to accommodate reasonable expectations for beginning traders with smaller accounts.***

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