Hillbilly Horror News COVID Edition

2 years ago

Short video on the central role of Hillbilly Horror News -- frightening, ostensibly real stories about the menace posed by hillbillies, rednecks, "poor white trash," crackers and other negative stereotypes of rural, almost always white people -- in the misleading COVID pandemic "news" using the false Oklahoma rural hospitals overloaded by ivermectin overdoses preventing treatment of gunshot victims in hyper-violent rural Oklahoma as an example.






BIRD GROUP Ivermectin Site: https://bird-group.org/

FDA Ivermectin: https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/why-you-should-not-use-ivermectin-treat-or-prevent-covid-19


US Census: America a Nation of Small Towns

New York Times Swine Flu Fiasco Article: https://www.nytimes.com/1976/12/21/archives/swine-flu-fiasco.html


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