WE’RE BACK BABY! w/ Chest & Tri’s

3 years ago

1. Pause-Rep Incline Dumbbell Press - 4 x 6-9
2. Underhand Bench Press to Upper Abdomen - 4 x 10-12 (be careful with shoulders)
3. Sven Press - 4 x 12-15
4. Supinated-Grip Lower Chest Cable Flys - 2 x 8-10, 2 x 15-16
5. Pronated-Grip Upper Chest Cable Flys - 4 x 15-16
6. Lower Chest Press Dropset - 3 x 8-10 to failure, drop 25-45lb AMRAP, drop 25-45lb AMRAP
7. Overhead Dumbbell Trice Extension - 2 x 8-10, 3 x 16-18
2-3min rests between same exercises. One very light warm-up set each exercise before the sets above. Work up to heaviest weight by 2nd set. About (beginner: 2-4 reps/advanced: 1-2 reps) from failure each set. Final set of 3, 4, 5, & 7 to failure)
Free E-book(Gym For Busy People): https://fasterfiles.net/1059161

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