Attorney Trying to Save Covid Patients Life From Hospital Trying to KIll Him!

3 years ago

Attorney Thomas Renz has stepped in and is doing everything he can right now to keep Scott Quiner alive.

“Scott is not dying, yet they want to kill him,” Thomas Renz told Stew Peters on Thursday. “We have a hospital that hired a law firm to argue that they have the right to murder him.”

At midnight last night, Mercy Hospital actually retained one of the most powerful law firms in Minneapolis to fight the restraining order, and argue why they feel they have the right to murder a man.

Stew Peters is calling for every able bodied man and women to do what they can to save this man’s life.

The contact information for MERCY HOSPITAL: 763-236-8800

EMERGENCY: Scott Quiner is due to be murdered by Mercy Hospital in Coon Rapid, Minnesota today at noon eastern time. Attorney Thomas Renz joins us to discuss the court hearing today.

Media contacts:
KARE 11 News: 763-546-1111
KSTP Channel 5: 612-588-6397
KMSP Chanel 9: 952-944-9999

Hospital Contacts:
4050 Coon Rapids Blvd
Coon Rapids MN 55433
Main line 763-236-6000
Scott Quiner is in the Heart and Vascular Center 763-236-8800
Heather is the Care Coordinator 763-236-8321

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Corrupt Hospitals, Doctors Murdering Covid Patients, Hospitals Killing People, Corruption In Healthcare,

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