General Assembly Meeting | January 10, 2022

3 years ago

Rewatch the full January 10, 2022 World Council for Health General Assembly Meeting video with guest speakers Dr. Jackie Stone and Dr. Martin Gill as well as affiliates Doctors for Live and Mind Medicine Australia, introduced by Dr. Lucy Kerr and Tania de Jong.

Dr. Jackie Stone & Dr. Martin Gill: We can’t afford not to treat

Dr. Stone is a family medicine physician based in Zimbabwe. Dr. Gill is an ENT specialist based in South Africa. Together they discuss their experience treating people with Covid-19, the importance of early treatment, and the use of silver for Covid-19.

Dr. Lucy Kerr joins us from Brazil to introduce Médicos pela Vida (Doctors for Life), a coalition partner of the World Council for Health.

Dr. Lucy Kerr is Director of International Affairs of Doctors for Life – Brazil. Dr. Kerr developed a Covid-19 prophylactic and therapeutic protocol using ivermectin.

Doctors for Life is a group of doctors from all specialties who provide early treatment for people with Covid-19 in order to prevent them from being hospitalized, intubated, and at risk of death.

Tania de Jong joins us from Australia to introduce Mind Medicine Australia, a coalition partner of the World Council for Health.

Tania de Jong is Executive Director of Mind Medicine Australia. She is a trail-blazing Australian soprano, award-winning entrepreneur, creative innovation catalyst, and more.

Mind Medicine Australia exists to help alleviate the suffering and suicides caused by mental illness in Australia through expanding the treatment options available to medical practitioners and their patients.

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