The David Knight Show 13Jan22 - Unabridged

3 years ago

* EMP Scare? Did FAA ground planes on the west coast at the time North Korean missile launch b/c they were concerned about ElectroMagnetic Pulse?
* Government hides Pfizer data showing DOUBLING of cardiovascular deaths of vaccinated
* Rather than get the TrumpShot, Italians are paying up to $150 for Covid parties to get virus and certification of natural immunity
* NEXT GLOBAL TREND: at least 5 jurisdictions hit unvaxed with continuous “significant” fines
* McPfizer: McDonalds refuses service even at takeout kiosk w/o a vaccine passport and Ronald McDonald house kicks out unvaxed families with terminally ill children
* BoJo “PartyGate”: listen to his the excuse as he’s been caught violating his own dictates for the 7th time and facing calls to resign
* Trump said DeSantis was gutless, ashamed to tell people he got a booster. Why is Trump unashamed of what he’s done?
* Even Pfizer’s CEO admits 2 shots are worthless, so get a booster!
* Have you heard about “herd immunity” lately? Remember when 70-80% was going to set us free?
* GoatTree, tested positive & was diagnosed by staff as having Omicron, checks in to tell us how it’s going
* Supply chain problems: will they help or hurt the globalists?

Hr 1 Seg 1:
* Trump attacks DeSantis for being “gutless” because he tried to avoid saying whether he had a booster. Trump is right about that, but Trump is shameless in his promotion of his bioweapon
* Pfizer CEO Bourla has a Freudian slip, says first 2 shots do NOTHING, then tries to make the case that 3rd one is what you need. Pfizer tries to block the video using bogus “copyright” claim
* People Pay $150 to GET Covid, Avoid TrumpShots. Everything taken from those who refuse the genetic code injection — unless they test positive and get natural immunity. People believe Covid is FAR less dangerous than Trump’s shots.
* Pfizer’s data showed TWICE as many cardiovascular deaths in vaccinated
* Family speaks out when 26 yr old. His mother is a nurse and and had not heard of adverse cardio effects

Seg 2: begins approximately 00:31:44
* 25 yr old die from vaccine. Murdered
* More pro athletes with cardio illness and sudden death
* Gain of Function is BIGGER Than Fauci: GOP Won’t Talk About THAT. The Trump shot is more dangerous than anything that came out of the lab — so far. Rule by bureaucracy was something that Rand and others used to talk about. But that is ALSO being ignored
* McDonalds Bans Unvaxed From Ordering Food, Staying at Ronald McDonald House. You can’t even order food to go on a kiosk at McDonalds if you’re unvaxed in Israel. And critically ill children and their families are getting thrown of Ronald McDonald House if unvaxed. You want fries with that?

Seg 3: begins approximately 01:00:34
* Rand Paul asks if government can force vaccines that are not effective against the current strain (as they admit)
* Quebec and at least 4 other jurisdictions have moved one step closer to dragging people out of their house and jabbing them — continuous financial punishment until you get the jab. Stopping a “pandemic” is no longer even talked about. Just 100% vaccination
* Have you heard about “HERD IMMUNITY” lately? Here’s what they were telling us April 2021.
* Washington DC will require VaccinePassport and PhotoID to leave your house. GOP Senator plays with fire by offering a bill that would require VoterID if VaccinePassport is required. How about just protecting the Constitution without playing games of “Chicken”?
* Biden tasks an obscure bureaucracy with keeping records on those who file religious exemptions. What will he do with it? C2PA

Seg 4: begins approximately 01:29:47
* Listener letter, nurse, on how the pandemic and mandates have unfolded. THIS is why nurses refuse the jab. Why aren’t we listening to them?
* Canadian Mountie (RCMP) letter: death didn’t change 2019, 2020, 2021. So why the mandates?
* Pilots are refusing in massive numbers to take a 3rd jab and speaking out. They CAN bring airlines to their knees
* Boris Johnson, caught a 7th time violating his rules while he partied. He responds to calls for resignation by saying he thought the party was work. Nice job, huh?
* Horrific tales of the millions of minions in China who will do whatever they’re told to do to their fellow man, without question. Milgram experiment proven again

Seg 5: begins approximately 02:01:16
GoatTree joins with an update on his Omicron case and his treatment

Seg 6: begins approximately 02:17:59
Globalism is all about the supply chain. But are disruptions their Achilles Heel or part of the plan?

Seg 7: begins approximately 02:33:05
* Govt to Limit Charging of EV’s. It was NEVER about ending emissions. It was always about ending private cars
* EMP (ElectroMagnetic Pulse) Scare From North Korean Missiles? West coast flights haven’t been grounded like this since 9/11. FAA & NORAD aren’t giving answers
* Outrage about insider trading at Fed. But will Fed be audited? Will FBI investigate?
* Inflation takes off, supply chain and oil shortages blamed. But creating this was the #1 priority of Biden. Here’s why…
* Listener letter about FEMA camps
* Pedophile statue at the entrance of BBC’s building attacked by a man with a hammer. The artist was an admitted pedophile, the statue is a display of child sexualized but BBC has left it in place for nearly 90 years
* CNN & Democrats beg Hillary to run again
* Biden play the race card — ridiculously — to push for a complete takeover of elections by the federal government

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