Are we facing a Stock Market crash?

2 years ago

Are facing a collapse of markets or are we in it? A look at events unfolding after the Full Moon on the 17 January 2022. Mercury rules stock markets and money, in the video I made about the Full Moon I was looking at how light will be shining on media, politicians and governments during this time. Within hours of this, you can see the shakiness of the markets as slowly stuff start to come into light. I can see shares dropping fast in some sectors. Moon in this chart just hours after the full moon is 5th house ruler in the 5th is unsupported as no planets are either side and planets that are aspecting it are all malefics including MeR which by association with 2 cruel planets becomes malefic. 5th House is investments is under a lot of pressure. I feel this can be the beginning of a market crash, Moon is also liquid assets. Time to re think this fiat money, we need a more secure money system.
The banks and the big establishments have not served the average man and woman well. Jupiter will start whole new way of looking at these big companies and establish a fairer system. Sometimes the only way to remedy an issue is wait till it self destructs. There will be a domino effect as we have been going through a Kala Sarpa Yoga since day after the solar eclipse of 4 December 2021. All the faster moving planets as well as the social planets Saturn and Jupiter will be transiting through Aquarius by end of April this year. What will replace the old greed will be more humanitarian (Aquarius) and long lasting as Aquarius is a fixed house. Greed never pays. 🙏
I use Sidereal zodiac.
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