European Medicines Agency warns that quantity of neutralizing antibodies is NOT same as protection

3 years ago

On January 11th, 2021, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) organized its most recent press briefing. During that briefing, Marco Cavaleri, head of EMA’s biological health threats and vaccines strategy, said that there is no way to know the number of antibodies someone needs to be ‘protected‘ from COVID. Although there is a relationship between neutralizing antibodies and protection, it is impossible to know where the threshold is that determines whether someone will get COVID or not.

The immune system is enormously complex, poorly understood and consists of significantly more parts than just antibodies. Having antibodies is no guarantee that you are protected; not having antibodies is does not necessarily mean that you're not protected. In fact, antibodies can lead to MORE risk through a mechanism such as Antibody Dependent Enhancement.

It's normal and healthy that the concentration of antibodies in the blood decreased after a prolonged period of low threat. If the concentration of antibodies remained high, the blood would get too thick. Once exposed, the immune system form memory cells that you will have for the rest of your life. Once re-exposed, the immune system can produce antibodies and other immune cell much quicker than upon first exposure.

Recently, misleading statements have been made that getting a booster would lead to fantastic protection. This was based on measured high concentrations of circulating antibodies, but as explained by Marco Cavaleri, the amount of circulating antibodies is not the same as protection.

There is a large difference between antibodies in the BLOOD and antibodies in the MUCOSA. Antibodies in the blood may be able to protect against severe DISEASE, but they won't protect against INFECTION of the respiratory system or gut. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi explains this well in this video:

The role of neutralizing antibodies is to prevent pathogens from infecting cells.

Pathogens have certain parts that attach to the host's cells. These 'keys' are called the Receptor Binding Domain (RBD). The parts of the host's cells that the 'keys' attach to are called receptors, such as the ACE2 receptor. These receptors are comparable to a lock in which the pathogen tries to insert its key. Neutralizing antibodies can be compared to pieces of gum that attach to the pathogen's 'keys'. The key with gum attached no longer fits in a lock, thereby neutralizing the threat.

NOTE: The previous paragraph is a vast oversimplification. Also, my understanding of immunology is very rudimentary. What I described could be wrong.

The neutralizing QUALITY of antibodies is significantly more important than their QUANTITY. As far as I know, it's relatively easy and cheap to measure the QUANTITY of neutralizing antibodies, but not easy, cheap or even possible to measure the QUALITY of neutralizing antibodies.

View EMA's whole press briefing here:

Neutralizing antibody:

European Medicines Agency:

Marco Cavaleri:


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