Voting Rights Act, Ya Right

3 years ago

Joe Biden and the rest of the radical leftist Democrats are pushing what they call a voting rights act that they have fraudulently named after the late civil rights activist Congressman John Lewis from the Altanta area. It has nothing to do with voting rights, the country doesn't have a voting rights problem, any qualified CITIZEN can vote with not a lot of effort. One must have a photo ID and prove they are citizens to vote, that should be obvious. This sham is all about riling up African voters trying to make them think they are being oppressed in hopes that they will vote Democrat. Democrats constantly lie, they actually want to keep African Americans down on the welfare plantation. They use them for political gain, they really don't care about African Americans or any Americans, they are ALL about raw power.
Besides using the sham so-called voting rights act to rile up African Americans, it is also about destroying the U.S. Constitution and taking federal control of elections to keep Democrats permanently in power. They want to take away Constitutional power from the states to run their own elections, as the GREAT Framers knew was so important. The Democrats are ALL about power and control and doing ANYTHING they have to do to get it no matter how illegal, unconstitutional, immoral or even deadly. They are nothing short of communists, their voting rights act would bring tyranny.

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