Acts 19:1-41 - Christ Glorified in Ephesus

3 years ago

Christ Glorified in Ephesus
Episode 40 - Paul, after leaving the upper regions, arrives in Ephesus. During his time here he first encounters disciples of John the Baptist. Teaching in the synagogue and later in the school of Tyrannus he stayed around two years. God does unusual miracles through the hands of Paul. A botched exorcism by Jewish wannabes magnifies the Word of the Lord and many are converted, proving their repentance by burning their magic books. As in times past there are many people being saved during the midst of great opposition. The city was the temple guardian of the iconic goddess “Diana”. Because of idol worship and manufacturing; Paul’s presence in Ephesus causes a great riot before he leaves town for Jerusalem. Recorded on 01/11/2022 - Posted on 01/13/2022

This episode ended up being 55 minutes long. I debated putting it into two segments since most chapters are around 30 minutes, however I opted to keep it in one so you can always watch/listen one half at a time.

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