The long socialist march through our institutions

2 years ago

I am a Classical Liberal in the English sense. This forum is under attack from Neo-Marxists who under the guise of positing positive rights are fulfilling the great Cultural Marxist promise of taking the long march through the institutions so that an actual violent revolution of proletariat revolting against the bourgeoisie will be unnecessary. The chief reason for this is the resounding success of free market individual economic liberty making revolution an impossibility.

In the English constitutional struggles of the 17th century a number of individuals and groups displayed significant liberal traits. One stands out, however, as the first recognizably liberal party in European history: the Levellers. Led by John Lilburne and Richard Overton, this movement of middle-class radicals demanded freedom of trade and an end to state monopolies, separation of church and state, popular representation, and strict limits even to parliamentary authority. Their emphasis on property, beginning with the individual's ownership of himself, and their hostility to state power show that the amalgamation of the Levellers to the presocialist Diggers was mere enemy propaganda. Although failures in their time, the Levellers furnished the prototype of a middle-class radical liberalism that has been a feature of the politics of English-speaking peoples ever since. Later in the century, John Locke framed the doctrine of the natural rights to life, liberty, and estate — which he collectively termed "property" — in the form that would be passed down, through the Real Whigs of the 18th century, to the generation of the American Revolution.

America became the model liberal nation, and, after England, the exemplar of liberalism to the world. Through much of the 19th century it was in many respects a society in which the state could hardly be said to exist, as European observers noted with awe. Radical liberal ideas were manifested and applied by groups such as the Jeffersonians, Jacksonians, abolitionists, and late-19th-century anti-imperialists.

Under such Postmodernists as Foucault and Derrida literary deconstruction is being used as a tool to negate logic by the slight of hand manipulation of the meaning of words, this attack on the Grand Narrative of Western Liberal Democracy is being used as icing on a cake baked by the Frankfurt School of social theory, and its advocates such as Jurgen Habermas (whose thinking has incidentally heavily influenced Scandinavia) and noted Italian Neo-Marxist radical Antonio Gramsci who viewed churches, charities, the media, and schools as organizations that needed to be invaded by socialist thinkers. By these means Neo-Marxists have taken the long march through our institutions to corrupt and poison the very underpinning bedrock of Western liberty, the sovereign individual and his or her inherent rights and duties to their fellow citizen to behave in a law abiding and moral manner.

Richard Renstrøm has repeatedly come onto this forum without a single attempt on the part of its moderators Jian Brent Lee – Admin, Juan Garza – Admin, Ricky Martinez – Admin to ensure that ethics, epistemology, facts and reason were the sole foundation for our discussions. If this group advocates the sovereign and autonomous individual based upon the philosophy of Classical Liberalism this breach of duty is totally unacceptable and is leading to yet one more Cultural Marxist taking the long march through our forum which is dedicated to liberty. The truly galling aspect of which is that Richard Renstrøm’s nation of the Kingdom of Norway was rebuilt with the help of America and the Marshall Plan due to your generosity and help. Without America’s help they could never have achieved the prosperity that they enjoy today due to their oil fund. Oil which of course engineers from both Britain and America helped them to mine. He is an ungrateful arrogant narcissist who is blind to the fact that free markets and individual economic liberty invariably outperform planned economies.

Stop playing games and behave as adults. Take charge of the group you were appointed to moderate and make certain that the discussions which take place on this forum are based upon facts and reason. Richard lives in a world of “ought”, not the world that “is”. His kind are creating a dystopian nightmare not the socialist paradise this ideologically possessed fool claims!
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