Making Furniture - Bookshelf - Part 2 // Using traditional hand-tools

3 years ago

Making a small bookshelf 70s inspired design of mine. The middle row will contain the books, with drawers added to the top and bottom.

Part 2 focuses on making the legs of the unit. This time I am adding some level adjusters to each leg, since my floor in my house is not even, i.e. slopes downward. Using the adjusters will avoid rocking and making the unit more level.

Music: Cocktail Reception by Dan Yan Key

00:00 Introduction
00: Making grain the same on all legs
02:40 Preparing the supports
05:15 Adding tenons to the legs
05:53 Adding decorations to the legs
07:10 Adding the adjusters
08:30 Gluing on the legs
09:26 Legs on unit

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