Romans13 The Powers That be

3 years ago

Romans 13 is widely misunderstood by many.

Because of this chapter scholars believe that Paul was somehow connected to the Roman government at that time. These same people also believe that because of this, all of Paul’s writings are suspect and his road to Damascus experience was also false. They lack understanding of the sovereignty of God and they discount one of the key writers of the NT.

The Lord is in control of all things and nothing gets by Him. He can take power away or give it at any time. He can allow evil rulers to punish His people if He so chooses. He can allow good rulers to rule and rein as well. If a bad government is in power it is because He allowed it. He can use anything and everything to accomplish His will.

I will give examples of His sovereignty and the way in which He uses it. It is not our place to question His sovereignty. When an evil government is placed in power, sometimes it’s because the people deserve it. Other times God Himself is using that evil régime to punish His children for disobedience. Even further, He has used evil rulers to bring His people into captivity and slavery.

The best example of this is when God allowed King Nebuchadnezzar to bring the children of Israel into captivity for 70 years. The LORD said; Nebuchadnezzar, My servant. The Lord used Him to accomplish His will. Good ole nubby wrote the 4th chapter of Daniel. (Chaldean)

We as Christians do not worship governments but God. Whether they like it or not governments of the world are subject to Gods sovereignty. Our primary purpose as Christian is the great commission. Even when evil rulers make evil decrees we should try to obey them because if we don’t we won’t be able spread the gospel if we are in jail.

There are also times when the LORD wants us to destroy evil rulers and take their power away. It’s all based on discernment and knowing the will of the LORD.

Below are examples of Gods sovereignty and instructions.

Romans 13:1 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.

MV 2022 TheRemnantSeed

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