Is the Earth Flat? A Scientific Review

3 years ago

In recent years there has been a sharp increase in the number of people who believe the earth is flat. In this presentation, Dr. Faulkner will briefly describe the history of this phenomenon, examine some of the supposed biblical and physical evidence for a flat earth, and delve into the possible motives of those promoting this idea.

Dr. Danny R. Faulkner earned graduate degrees in physics and astronomy and is a distinguished professor emeritus at the University of South Carolina Lancaster, where he taught for over 26 years.

Proverbs 18:17 The one who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him.

It perplexes us to see that belief in a “flat earth” is gaining traction, despite being thoroughly debunked for thousands of years. This idea was almost non-existent until recently, yet this particular branch of pseudoscience is making inroads. It’s notable that the article The Flat Earth Myth, busting the myth that the church taught a flat earth, written as recently as 2013, did not receive any negative comments from flat-earth believers. Why? Because there were hardly any people back then who believed it! Rather, readers were grateful to see that the church had never taught this nonsense. Several honest atheists have even slammed people from their own side who have pushed a bad pseudo-history that accuses the church of teaching a flat earth.1

So, if almost nobody believed it back then, why do some people believe it now? This includes several who commented on an article published earlier this year: Isaiah 40:22 and the shape of the earth. Most of the influence today is coming from a series of online videos that have been shared widely. These were created by charlatans and, sadly, are deceiving many. Even more sadly, some Christians are being caught up in the hype.

Additional Scientific Evidence from Creation Scientists

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