An Ordinary Person Can Understand Daniel’s Prophecies Using 4 Simple Rules - Daniel Study (05 of 54)

3 years ago

Nebuchadnezzar's Image Part 2 - Daniel 2 - Daniel Study

The Book of Daniel offers three levels of knowledge: the first level of knowledge concerns dramatic stories of faith. Examples of this are the three Hebrews in the fiery furnace, Daniel in the lion's den, and similar kinds of stories. These stories of faith and loyalty to God were recorded for the benefit of all generations, however, Earth's final generation will benefit most.

The second level of knowledge is a little more difficult; it concerns the meaning of the visions revealing God's plans. This is a little deeper level of knowledge than the first level. The visions faithfully predict the passage of time in advance, and history confirms the fulfillment of all that God predestined.

The third and deepest level of knowledge found in Daniel is the architecture of apocalyptic prophecy. Here’s what I mean. The prophecies in Daniel conform to a design...a structure...a pattern...a template, and this design controls each prophecy’s meaning. It has nothing to do with religion; it has nothing to do with whether you believe in God or not. And the exciting thing about this structure is that it’s also present in the book of Revelation! So, when you understand how the architecture of Daniel behaves, you will understand the architecture in Revelation too because it is the same architecture.

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