More Proof that Erie County Department of Health Cannot Fine Your Business for Masks

3 years ago

Thursday, January 13, 2022

We contacted the Erie County Department of Health to get their policy on forcing masks and their fine schedule. They could not, or would not produce that document of the information.

When you combine this with all of the other facts, evidence, research and data we have compiled on this subject, it supports the fact that the Erie County Department of Health cannot force you to enforce mask wearing. They have admitted they cannot fine you in writing. The CDC says the masks offer no protection at all unless it is a N-95 mask.

Not one business in our county has been fined for non-compliance of Gail Burstein's order. Multiple towns in our county, and nearly 40 counties in our state have all said they will not enforce masks, injections or any lockdown measure in their towns or couties.

SO why are Erie County Department of Health officials still going our and menacing local business owners? Haven't they been through enough?

How is it the Erie County Department of Health isn't aware of the fact that the CDC stated these masks are offering no protection from Covid?

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