Who Is This Beast That Rises Out Of The Sea And Controls The Entire World? - Daniel Study (14 of 54)

3 years ago

Daniel 7 Part 8 - Daniel Study

There are going to be 18 players that make up this beast: 7 heads and 10 horns, and then the Antichrist – the physical appearing of the devil himself, the Lamb like Beast of Revelation 13 – claiming to be the lamb.

Now understand something, this beast that's going to rise out of the sea is going to be empowered by the devil. The power in this beast is going to come from the devil. I want to demonstrate something here...to give you a visual. I have a latex glove and by putting my hand in this glove – and you can see this glove of itself has no power, it's just a limp piece of latex – I can give this glove power, and I can give this glove authority, and this glove can do things.

Now notice, you can see my hand through this glove. This is the same as when John sees a woman sitting on the scarlet beast in Revelation 17:3. The beast in Revelation 17 is the same thing as the beast in Revelation 13. John says it's scarlet because it’s the color of the Red Dragon in Revelation 12:3.

Now, if my hand were red and I put my red hand in this glove, you could see through this glove and really see the color of my hand. Try it and see. The idea here is that, in Revelation 13 the dragon gives this beast its power and authority, and that's why it looks scarlet – a great red dragon is inside. Those with eyes to see and ears to hear what the Spirit says, what God's Word teaches, will clearly and easily figure out what's going on. Remember, this glove has no life of its own, my hand is giving it its power like a puppet.

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