School Shooter Robert Gladden Jr Interrogation

3 years ago

Robert W. Gladden Jr., the 15-year-old charged in the Perry Hall High School cafeteria shooting, was sentenced Monday to 35 years in prison.

Baltimore County Circuit Judge Robert E. Cahill Jr. went beyond state sentencing guidelines to put Gladden away until he is at least 50 years old, citing continued fear in Perry Hall along with a national concern for school safety that has grown stronger since the Newtown, Conn. school massacre.

Kathleen Watkins, a school administrator, told the court that the school is still working to get past the shooting that injured Daniel Borowy, a 17-year-old special needs student, on the first day of school. One teacher only recently returned after being away since the incident, Watkins said. And about 75 students refuse to eat in the cafeteria, instead opting to eat in the library or forgoing lunch altogether, she added.

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