Bioweapon Effects On Humans by Dr. Robert Malone

3 years ago

There are few people with the amount of experience, knowledge, and intelligence that I have listened to on the subject of mRna vaccines. Dr. Robert Malone is not only the far most authority on this subject, he is looked upon as a modern day superman leading the fight to stop the criminal organizations such as the NIH, NIDA, CDC, FDA, WHO, Pfizer, Moderna and their attack on children. These criminal organizations have murdered millions of people worldwide and continue their attack on hundreds of doctors and other professionals that have taken a stand against the biological weapons created and distributed by these organizations. The latest bioweapon is know as the coronavirus "vaccine". It is well known that this drug is NOT a vaccine though it was marketed as a cure to prevent SAR-Covid-2 (a NIH genetically modified coronavirus that was developed to harm the human population).

Dr. Robert Malone disscusses the harmful effects of the bioweapon and how it causes brain damage, myocarditis, blood clots And MANY other risks for people that have received this poisonous genetically engineered bioweapon.

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