December 25th 2020 - MARIA ZACK Passes Crucial Data Proving Election Theft Directly To Trump

2 years ago

MARIA ZACK Updates l Trump updates 01 13 21
Premiered Jan 15, 2021
January 8, 2021
The Marshall Report
Obama Orchestrated Election Steal in Italy – AFFIDAVIT SHOWS PROOF FOREIGN ELECTION INTERFERENCE IN ITALY! Election results switched from Trump to Biden and ITALLY DID IT! President Trump knows and has everything!
From the The Eric Metaxas Radio Show
“The theft of the election was orchestrated in the Rome embassy by an employee Stefano Serafini, foreign service officer of over 20 years. He retired the day before the election to ensure he would not lose his pension unlike what happened to some of the FBI agents who betrayed our country in 2016 and did lose their pension just days before their retirement. Stefan Serafini coordinated with a general Claudio Graziano, who is on the board of Leonardo SPA (an Italian aerospace defense contractor). Leonardo used their military satellite uplink to load the software and transfer it over to change the votes from Trump to Biden. The plan was orchestrated by Barack Obama with the help of Matteo Renzi, the former prime minister of Italy. The Italian intelligence service supplied intercepts, photos, phone calls, and (shockingly) pictures of the CIA agents who have been involved in orchestrating this. Italy did it. Senior IT Expert at Global Defense Contractor Testifies in Italian Federal Court that He and Others Switched Votes throughout America in the U.S. Presidential Race.”
The president is right – foreign interference took place and this is now being dealt with through the proper military channels.
See this link to hear about historic hack in Italy – Maria Zack | Seal Team 6 | Italy stole the Election #Italydidit Maria ZACK (
An excerpt from the beginning of Italy-Gate from an article relating to the backstory as it developed from the investigation after the Frankfurt CIA server confiscation:
“There is another actor that played a crucial role in this operation and it is Leonardo, an Italian government company leader in the aerospace and defense sector.
“Once that the hackers created the new algorithms to switch more votes from Trump to Biden,  they sent “these new numbers back up to a Italian military satellite operated by Leonardo” claims Mr. Johnson.
“After been doing this, the new manipulated data were sent back to the Dominion voting machines in the US. Therefore, if this version is correct, the Italian government would be directly involved in this attack.
“Leonardo’s largest shareholder is the Italian government, because the Italian ministry of Economy owns 30% of this company.
“Leonardo CEO, Alessandro Profumo, was appointed in 2017 by the former Italian PM Gentiloni, apparently involved in the Spygate as will be mentioned later, and confirmed in 2020 by Conte’s incumbent government.
“Mr. Profumo was also recently found guily for committing fraud by an Italian court and he received a six-year jail sentence.
“Therefore, Conte’s government would have played a decisive role in the hacking operation because it would have allegedly provided Leonardo’s technology to perpetrate a direct attack against the US sovereignity. ” Read more on the backstory here: Italygate: is the Italian government directly involved in the US election fraud against Trump? – La cruna dell’ago

Hold the line Patriots – the truth is in the right hands and this investigation has never stopped! IT IS JUST BEGINNING!
Naples, Italy

Italians have been rising up against Conte and his socialist government's draconian lockdown rules for over a fortnight now, where it all began, Naples, they've gone one better, they're simply not complying anymore, businesses open, people out.#Scandemic
— Σκίων (@skion64) November 8, 2020
Meanwhile the people of Italy have had enough of the New World Order and will no longer comply to inhumane mandates! America you are not alone, the people of the world that make up all humanity have said enough to the evil ruling globalists!
Maria Zack Italy did it – Arturo Delia Admits to steal the USA elections

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