Dr. Scott Atlas: The Reality Is The Lockdowns Killed People

2 years ago

Sept 09, 2021
Source: www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKKxQXCx4n4

Sweden and Florida excess mortality proves lockdowns were complete failures.

Lockdowns failed to stop spread or protect the elderly.

Lockdowns pushed 130M people around the world into abject poverty.

400,000 new deaths from Tuberculosis because of diversion of resources.

Tens of millions more babies dying of malaria because lockdowns effect on supply chains.

Half of the 650,000 Americans who have cancer skipped their chemotherapy during Spring 2020.

About half of heart attack and stroke patients did not call an ambulance because they were afraid to go into a medical facility.

About two thirds to three fourths of cancer screenings were not done.

85% of living organ transplants were not done.

300,000 cases of child abuse went unreported in Spring 2020 because school shutdowns.

Severe child abuse emergency room cases went up 35%.

1 out of 4 American college age kids now have suicidal thoughts.

300% increase for American teenage incidents of self-harm.

200% to 300% increase for young people with anxiety and depression.

52% of American college age kids gained an unwanted 28 pounds in 2020.


Scott W. Atlas, M.D., is Senior Advisor at the Independent Institute and the Robert Wesson Senior Fellow in the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. He has served as Senior Advisor for Health Care to a number of candidates for President of the United States, as well as having counseled members of the U.S. Congress on health care, testified before Congress, and briefed directors of key agencies in the federal government. He served from August to December, 2020, as a Special Advisor to the President and a member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force. His other books include "Restoring Quality Health Care: A Six Point Plan for Comprehensive Reform at Lower Cost," "In Excellent Health: Setting the Record Straight on America’s Health Care System," "Reforming America’s Health Care System," and "Power to the Patient: Selected Health Care Issues and Policy Solutions.

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