WARNING! A Bone Chilling Call to Action from Dr Vladimir Zelenko

3 years ago

For all truthers in the world, this is no time to be silent. If we remain silent we relinquish our freedom and may lose our lives.

Now is the time to speak-up- even if they threaten us, this is the only way to end the tryanny and their stronghol on the world!

It's time to unite and rid the world of all corrupt governments and those behind it.

The globalists are pushing hard to depopulate and paying government to help.

If you're involved, you're complicit and guilty of genocide and crimes against humanity.

We are in a war of god vs evil, you must choose a side and then do your part.

God will prevail but we must help save our people.

Share videos, talk to people, get involved by running for schoolboard or government office- it doen't matter if you're not political- we are DONE with politicians!

If you're a good hearted person that doesn't want innocent people to die of the poisonous jabs; youre golden!

Please do something to help win this war.

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God prevails!


Change the World, The Dark Side, Government Corruption, God Always Wins, Crimes Against Humanity,

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