11JAN2022 - "First Order of Business is to Impeach him [Joe Biden]" - Steve Bannon

2 years ago

Epic Steve Bannon rant on Fauci and Joe Biden. Key quote "First order of business is to impeach him [Joe Biden]" - Steve Bannon.

The way he responded, you're in the war room. We had to play the entire Rand Paul thing. That was the Great Barrington Declaration, by the way. The three of the top epidemiologist in the world, one at Oxford, one at Harvard, one at Stanford, where the head of that pull together. OK, we've talked about it many times on here Fauci and Collins, who's now been forced out. Right. Another devil went to Fauci right away in that email exchange and said, We have to discredit these guys rapidly. We have to do this immediately. And Thatcher goes, I'm on it. And instead of going to nature lance or something like that, not that those guys wouldn't publish it. They went to Wired. And I think he had a article from the nation. These these left wing Wired's a left wing technology magazine.

Insulin, I think it was Ceylon or the nation was the other. Thought you will not answer the question, and this is the reason we do this, we got we got Ted Cruz is going to be open with a cold open in the next block.

We got Darren Beattie to come in about Ray Epps in the FBI. We've got the domestic terrorism piece at the bottom of the hour today on Capitol Hill. We hit an inflection point. We are ascendant and the Democrats should be demoralized.

Every member of the administrative state, that's what you saw foreseen and. And to see these other DOJ and FBI people, this is your life going forward. Every. It's like in basketball. Every shot's going to be contested. Everything you do is going to be contested.

OK? Never again are we allowing this administrative state just to run wild and will we control the House? We control the Senate. You're going to see investigation after investigation, after investigation. Every committee is going to be like an oversight committee.

So I want every whistleblower, everybody's in this apparatus that understands what they've done. You had a massive, massive revelation a day from a whistleblower over in DOD that Veritas got. We're going to have more on that tomorrow morning. We have Dr. Peter Navarro, hopefully Dr. Steven Hatfill.

I'll try to get Dr. Harvey Risch, who went through the information, told me all this blockbuster. We dealt with it this morning. Every day you're going to have more massive revelations of how this illegitimate regime. And I say that because in Wisconsin, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and in Georgia and in Arizona, we're contesting the sort of certification of the electors. Not Steve Bannon saying that, not the worm saying that that's happening in the States and The Associated Press saying that. So all you guys have about fake news or misinformation. Deal with it. And we are not backing off an edge.

Tony Fauci is a liar. Tony Fauci's perjured himself, but that's the least of it. What Tony Fauci has done with gain of function with Tony Fauci has done a collaboration with the play and their bioweapons lab in Wuhan, which we talked about on January 20th and the very first day of the show 2020. We're going to get to all of it. I want to thank Rand Paul, by the way, Roger Marshall, if we had time, we play Senator Marshall from Kansas, who's no fire breather. He was all over 4G, everybody.

That's Andrew, Mitchell said. The big crocodile tears coming down. Oh, this attack on science. No, this attack on scientism, on the cult of scientism. We want facts. We want data. We want evidence and found she's got to be brought back in an answer.

Right there, he spun out and lied. He caught bald face lie. And the Democrats understand this. The me starting to understand this. I'm glad you're getting dispirited. You're going to get the tables run on you and then you're going to have hell to pay because you're going to be held accountable for everything you've done in this regime

.And Joe Biden's down there another thing for you to suck on. He's down there trying to be tough guy in his speech. Nobody's there. No Stacey Abrams. No ACP, no black vote. Vote is matter. No democracy project. They're all out getting their tires are rotated, having their nails done.

They won't even be on the stage with him because they realize one. He didn't win in Georgia, and they don't want to be stuck with that. And number two, he's getting blown out in 2022 because we're going to first have a first order of business is to impeach him.

The first order of business is to bring charges of impeachment against Joe Biden.

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