The David Knight Show 12Jan22 - Unabridged

3 years ago

Wed 12Jan22 EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: 3 Police Officers Injured or Fired by Jab Mandate

Hr 1 Seg 1:
* Pentagon announces new war game against domestic “freedom fighters”. NPR & Wash Post push civil war narrative. They are aware of the generational cycles and are exploiting them. Do WE understand those currents?

Seg 2: begins approximately 00:45:06
* Academic tries to make the case that authoritarianism is justified under some circumstances. Why he’s WRONG and why we must focus on liberty, not “democracy” or other issues
* Soylent GENES — “Is People”. Mainstream looks at what the 1973 film, Soylent Green, predicted. They focus on “green” issues and completely missing the salient points about the movie or what’s happening with the “pandemic” jabs

Seg 3: begins approximately 01:27:14
* Ted Cruz was trying to recover his reputation, damaged by called Jan6 protestors “terrorists”. But the arrogance of the FBI official must be seen to be believed. FBI bureaucracy sees itself as unaccountable to Senate or the people. WATCH the exchange
* Department of Education also had a hand in labelling as “terrorists” parents who speak against CRT, pedo-grooming or 1619
* Full court press by Democrats to get rid of the filibuster so they can federalize elections, effectively keeping them in power — forever
* NJ Gov Murphy wants to support the “choice” of killing babies up until the moment of birth. Partial birth abortion made me a pro-lifer
* USA Today’s article and Twitter thread shows their support for pedophiles

Seg 4: begins approximately 01:59:43
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Police Injured/Fired by Jab Mandate
Two police officers fired for not getting jab, and a third injured by jab join to talk about Denver police department’s blackmail, “jab or job”.
- Why did the mandate begin AFTER everything had largely returned to normal?
- Why did they choose their course of action?
- What happened to them and what is happening now to the department?
- What do they want people to know?

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