CNN 'suddenly' realizes the huge difference between hospitalized WITH positive test and FOR COVID

2 years ago

CNN 'suddenly' realizes that a person in hospital with a broken leg and a positive 'COVID' test is not a real COVID patient, but still gets presented as one in the statistics. 43% of 'COVID patients' in hospital are there for something else. The statistics are therefore highly misleading.

Nothing discussed in this video is a new insight to anyone who has more than a rudimentary understanding of this issue. CNN knows this and dr. Sanjay Gupta knows this without a doubt, but they CHOSE never to let the viewers know about it... until now. I wonder what made them change. It seems like the tide is turning. Until recently the media were all about creating maximum fear. Little by little, they seem to be backing down.

It's absolutely clear that the authorities and media are not using the data to inform, but to manipulate the public whilst seeming to be objective and scientific. Most media receive funding from government, pharma and other organizations to publish lies and propaganda on their behalf. Of course, they have to acknowledge the funding if forced to, but they'll always say that it doesn't impact their reporting. Of course it will: "Whose bread I eat, whose song I sing." Also, the media know very well that fear sells: "If it bleeds, it leads."

The PCR test used for COVID 'diagnosis' is a hyper oversensitive test. Too sensitive is not good, but bad. Very oversensitive is very bad. If there's one viral fragment in the sample, the test will give a positive result, but you may not be sick. With higher amplification cycles, the enzymes used in the test kit may degrade, and the test can even turn out positive if there are NO viral genetic material present in the sample. It has not even been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the test is specific for only this virus. It still cannot be ruled out that this test also react to influenza for instance.

I wonder how long it will take until the main stream media will deem it acceptable to acknowledge that most people who died with a positive hyper oversensitive test did not die due to COVID, but due to other causes such as co-morbidities. COVID might not have played any role at all or might just have hastened their death by a few weeks or months. See also this video by Sharyl Attkisson:

If you understand this, it's evident that one of the powerful interventions to reduce both COVID and other deaths, is to prevent and reverse co-morbidities, which can be done with a healthier diet, lifestyle and environment. Health does not come out of a needle.

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