January 2022 Update: Be You In 2022 ~ The 4th Harbinger, Polarity Awareness, CPEs, & Integrations

2 years ago

Part 1 of this 2-Part Video Series is an Energy Update for January 2022+ from The Arcturian Collective. It offers a bigger picture lens to empower humanity to more clearly and successfully navigate the profound shifts in human consciousness that are happening in our daily lives. In this transmission, key themes include Being True To You and Simply Being YOU in 2022, Polarity Awareness, Conscious Personal Experiences (CPEs), the Serpent's Life Force Taxation System, and Endings, Beginnings, and Integrations. This is a powerful transmission for January 2022 ~ offering Seeds of Inspiration for "Next Level Living and Integration" in the Ascension Process that many are called to engage and embrace at this time. Thank you for joining me and please share with others who might resonate and benefit from these insights!

In Part of this 2-Part Video Series, I share timely insights & empowering messages about the Energies of January 2022 and these Potent Times! Being You, Draining The Swamp, Ending The Trance, Rising, and Living the Energetic Essence of the 4th Harbinger's Wholeness and Integration are some of the themes discussed in the marinades video. You can tune in to the marinades messages here: https://youtu.be/ANscdRFYVAQ

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