🐇Michael Patterson Interrogation - To Catch A Predator

3 years ago

#MichaelPatterson #TCAP #TrueCrime #Interrogation
Michael Joseph Patterson, otherwise known as jon_raven2000 was a predator caught in the Bowling Green, Kentucky installment of To Catch a Predator. He is perhaps best known for screaming his ass off while being arrested by the police.
Prior to the sting operation, Patterson was a reserve police officer in Lebron, Indiana, who was fired for using police car lights to pull someone over, impersonating an on-duty officer.

Patterson drove 5 hours away from Kouts, Indiana to the sting house in Bowling Green to meet up with a girl he believed to be thirteen. Within 2 hours of being acquainted with the decoy online, he drives to her house and talks to her over the phone on the way. During the conversation, he discloses that he carries a gun with him everywhere, so the sting team gave the decoy special instructions to make sure he was unarmed upon arrival. The decoy gives a series of verbal commands to Patterson to prove that he is unarmed, and he giddily does so without suspecting a thing. Once he enters the house he gives into the decoy's small talk, admiring the house and falsely telling her that he's a detective lieutenant. After disclosing this he is greeted by Chris Hansen, who exercises his own detective skills and asks Patterson why he's there. Patterson cites his loneliness and his ongoing divorce as reasons to commit statutory rape.

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