Former Pfizer VP Mike Yeadon Declares Covid Vaccines Are "Toxic By Design"

2 years ago

Former Pfizer VP Mike Yeadon Declares Covid Vaccines Are "Toxic By Design" – They're Weapons To Reduce Global Population

Jan. 10, 2022

The Corona Investigative Committee in Germany held an online session that was attended by Dr. Michael Yeadon, a former vice president at Pfizer, who shared the latest damning evidence about Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "vaccines."

Yeadon has become something of a "conspiracy theorist," at least in the eyes of the establishment. Despite working at Pfizer in an executive-level position for more than three decades, Yeadon does not believe that his former employer's injections are safe or effective.

In fact, Yeadon is not necessarily convinced that the Fauci Flu even exists as claimed. If by some off chance it is something more than just a nasty seasonal flu, it still is not even close to being as deadly as the media and governments continue to claim it is.

"It turns out that it's not a particularly lethal virus, if it exists," Yeadon stated during the symposium. "Or it's about the same as a bad seasonal influenza."

Everything from the PCR tests to the masks to the idea of "asymptomatic spread" is fraudulent, Yeadon warns. PCR tests "don't tell you anything," he says, and cloth masks "if anything make you more likely to catch an unusual bacterial pneumonia because you're breathing through a filthy cloth."

As for the blue masks, these are nothing more than splash guards. Their purpose, Yeadon says, is "to stop blood and bodily fluid from going into the nose and mouth of the attending worker" at the hospital.

"They've never been for filtering your breath, and they obviously don't do so," Yeadon says about the blue masks.

Covid jabs are a depopulation and destabilization plot to usher in a Great Reset
The so-called "vaccines" are perhaps the most offensive component of the sham, though. These, Yeadon says, were "always going to harm people" because of the horrible way they were designed.

Not only is messenger RNA (mRNA) technology completely new and experimental, but the encoding that was done to have the shots target just the outside of the spike protein makes them exceptionally dangerous.

"By choosing this design, the range of outcomes is probably 1,000 times worse than it would be for a conventional vaccine," Yeadon says about the mRNA jabs.

Another thing is the fact that not every vial of alleged vaccine contains the same ratio of components or even the same components at all. Some people seem to be receiving exceptionally lethal concoctions while others appear to be getting a placebo.

Yeadon also says that two people who receive the exact same injection might experience different outcomes. One person might have no negative effects while the other ends up dying – think Russian roulette.

Yeadon previously spoke out against the safety and efficacy claims for his former employer's jabs, warning that there is "clear evidence of fraud."

Not only do the jabs not provide any real protection against covid, but they are highly dangerous. They do not prevent infection or spread, and at best, we are told, merely help to lessen symptoms.

If these were true vaccines, vaccinated people would experience a lower viral load than unvaccinated people. The reality, though, is that viral loads tend to be the same in both groups – so what are the jabs actually doing?

In Yeadon's view, the whole thing seems to be a widespread plot by those who control the financial systems of the world to destroy economies, supply chains and society at large in order to usher in a new age.

Part of this plot involves massively depopulating the planet, which will largely be accomplished by the injections. There will be other fallout from broken supply chains that lead to mass starvation and societal chaos as well.

"This is a conspiracy led by the central banking clique and their clients to take over the world," Yeadon says.

"Once they've done that, destroyed the economy … a great financial reset which will have us using our vax passes and digital ID, and central bank digital currency … you won't like those, you really wont. It'll be the end of cash and any privacy for any transactions."

Yeadon says that if depopulation of the planet is one of the goals, then "the setup is so perfect."

"The current so-called 'good' batches could be batches with code to activate long-term adverse events," suggested one commenter at Brighteon about the potentially different outcomes of jabs from different production lots. "One can't be sure a good batch is a good batch?"

Another asked God to protect Dr. Yeadon and others like him who are risking their lives by coming forward to tell the truth about this evil plot.

FULL Video at Corona Investigative Committee:

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