Daniel 7:13 Describes An Event Where Jesus Is Given What The Father Has - Daniel Study (42 of 54)

3 years ago

Daniel 7 Continued Part 6 - Daniel Study

Jesus was given four things he didn't have in 1798. To understand how Jesus came to a position where he didn't have these things but later received these things, requires a basic understanding of how the Trinity formed and how all three work together in heaven.

I could spend four months presenting this whole story from Scripture, but right now, I want to focus on what happened to Jesus in 1798. This is when Jesus is promoted and exalted and given sovereign control of the entire universe. He has the authority and the power, he was found worthy to resolve the problem of sin, and the father steps aside and turns it all over to Jesus. Since 1798 – up thru right now – we have in heaven, our elder brother, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who is actually moved up a step and has taken control of the universe as God.

He is currently resolving the same problems, and he is opening and breaking the seals – the lamb does that – and he is showing the universe that he is as much God as the father; that he has all the prerogatives of the father; that he has all the powers of the father; he has everything the father has, but he chose to forfeit some of his prerogatives so that the Trinity might serve their creation out of love in order to be one in purpose, plan, and action.

Each member of the Godhead gave up certain prerogatives willingly. When you began to understand what Jesus gave up to be creator and then what he gave up to save sinners, you will understand why it has been determined by the father that Jesus should be exalted as having all the powers of the Father and equal with the father in every way.

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