Ezekiel And John Saw The Same Creatures Standing Before God's Throne - Revelation Study (14 of 105)

3 years ago

Seven Seals Part 2 - Revelation Study

Ezekiel tells us that the four living creatures are identical; that is, each creature has the same four faces as the other creatures. In other words, the four living creatures are four clones—they are identical in every way. It is interesting that Ezekiel counted four wings and John counted six. The wings indicate swift flight. John does not mention the four wheels that Ezekiel saw, but we know that John and Ezekiel were shown the same scene. Understand that these representations are given so we can have a way to understand things that are beyond human.

What do these four creatures, these four clones, these all seeing—very swift—creatures represent? Well, the answer may surprise you; the four living creatures represent the Holy Spirit who is invisible but is visibly represented by four identical living creatures. These creatures can be at the four points of the compass at the same time, and can be at all four places in the same form. The Holy Spirit is distinct and separate member of the Godhead. The Holy Spirit is God just like the father and Son are Gods. The Holy Spirit has omniscience, that's what the eyes are all about; and he has omnipresence, and that's why there are four of them. This is representing his ability to be anyplace, millions of places, all at the same time. He can go north, south, east, and west at any time, at the same time, and be there as himself.

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