Daniel 8 Depends Upon Daniel 7 Which Depends Upon Daniel 2 - Daniel Study (43 of 54)

3 years ago

Ram/Goat/King of the North Part 1 - Daniel 8 - Daniel Study

In Daniel 8, Daniel tells King Nebuchadnezzar, you are that head of gold. But after you another Kingdom will rise inferior to yours. Next, a third kingdom, one of bronze, will rule over the whole earth.

In Daniel 2, you recall the chest of silver, the thighs of bronze, the legs of iron, the feet of iron and clay, the toes (representing ten kings), and the rock (representing Jesus, the rock of ages), will set up Jesus kingdom.

In Daniel 7, you recall that Daniel saw four great beasts come up out of the sea, and the angel tells Daniel that these four great beasts are four kingdoms that will rise from the earth. History clearly delineates the progression of these kingdoms: the lion represents the kingdom of Babylon which began around 605 BC. The bear with one side raised up – one side always higher than the other – indicating that the Persian side of the kingdom would be more dominant; it would be a greater part of the kingdom over the Medes.

So the Medes and Persians destroyed the kingdom of Babylon and took control of Babylon in 539 BC, and that’s represented by the bear. Then there's a leopard with four wings that rapidly sets out to achieve his conquest; and then there are four heads (indicating that the kingdom would be divided among four kings), which represents the kingdom of Grecia who comes to power around 331 BC. Last, we have the terrible monster beast which represents the fourth world empire; and Rome comes to power around 168 BC.

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