Fowlers Toad

3 years ago

The Fowler’s Toad is fairly small, with adult lengths of 5.1 to 9.4 cm. Like all toads, they have dry, warty skin with short legs. They are usually brown, gray, or olive green in color (occasionally with some red or yellow) and have black-edged dark spots on their backs, with a light stripe down the middle of the back. This toad can be distinguished from the American Toad (Anaxyrus americanus) by the presence of at least 3 warts within each dark spot on its back although this can vary (American toads generally have 3 or less). The underside of the Fowler’s Toad is white or cream colored and is almost completely unspotted or with a single dark spot between the forelimbs and the lower leg (tibia) has no enlarged warts. In contrast, the American Toad has dark spots or blotches on its underside and enlarged warts on its lower leg. The breeding call of the Fowler's Toad sounds like a bleating sheep or “shrill scream” lasting from one to four seconds, whereas the American Toad’s breeding call is a prolonged musical trill.

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