Knife Defense For Concealed Carry

3 years ago

IDS Edged Weapon Defense for Armed Citizen Defenders

A determined edged weapon attack vs a handgun – who has the advantage? What are the most common types of edged weapon attacks and what are the most effective ways to respond to them? Knowing how to successfully navigate such an attack might just mean the difference between a positive outcome and a catastrophe.

This Member Exclusive Course is just 1 of 15 courses (for all levels) that work together as a comprehensive system of training designed specifically with the Citizen Defender in mind.

Members have an immediate all-access pass to all courses and content. New Courses, Videos and Streaming Seminars will be frequently added to our already extensive collection so you can be ready if faced with a life-threatening critical incident.

Runtime: 3 Hours 40 Minutes

• Philosophy & Overview
• Integrated Combatives
• Edged Weapon Attacks
• Distance Management
• Evasive Maneuvers
• Data and Statistics
• Several Integrated Drills
• Dealing with Barriers
• Timeline Breakdowns
• Use of Weapon Light
• Dumps, Trips & Sweeps
• Use of Commands
• Prerequisite Skills
• Edged Weapon Threats
• Weapon as Deterrent

Get it now and see for yourself:

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