Canadian / Dr. Charles Hoffe explains how the COVID injections cause massive clotting & pulmonary hypertension

3 years ago

The majority of the injection does not stay in the shoulder, but gets collected by the lymphatic system and then fed into the blood circulation. It is then dispersed all throughout the body. The lipid nanoparticles with the mRNA inside, are mostly absorbed in the capillaries, which are the tiny blood vessels where the blood slows down.

The cells just outside the capillary walls will receive the mRNA. This will cause them to be programmed to start producing spike proteins and present them on their outer surface. The capillaries should be smooth so the blood can flow effortlessly, but the protruding spike proteins make them rough. Blood platelets will detect this damaged vessel and make a clot to stop bleeding.

This process leads to enormous amounts of micro-blood clots, which is called disseminated intravascular coagulation. These are so small that they cannot be detected using scans, but their presence *can* be measured with a D-dimer test, which measures recent blood clots.

There can also very big blood clots, but they tend to be rare. These *can* be measured with a scans (such as CT-scans, angiograms and MRI's).

Dr. Hoffe has been doing D-dimer tests on his own patients who have been injected between 4 and 7 days ago. So far, 62% have elevated D-dimer levels. This means that the majority of people who have been vaccinated, are having issues with blood clots that they may have no idea about.

The most alarming thing about this is that some parts of your body, like your heart, brain, spinal cord and lungs, cannot regenerate. When those tissues are damaged, they are PERMANENTLY damaged. Already six people in dr. Hoffe's practice now have reduced effort tolerance, which means they get out of breath much more easily than they used to.

If a significant number of tiny blood vessels in your lungs are blocked off, not only are you much more easily out of breath, but your heart must also pump against much greater resistance. This causes pulmonary artery hypertension. People with this condition usually die of right-sided heart failure within three years.

Pro-vaxxers tend to say that the myocarditis in young people tends to be "mild". First of all, if you're hospitalized for a condition, it is by definition not mild. Second of all, regardless of whether it is mild or not, the damaged tissue in the heart does not regenerate.

If all this permanent damage and bad prognosis is not already bad enough, the damage is going to get even worse with each progressive booster shot.

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