January Is Postnational Kleptocracy Pride Month

2 years ago

January Is Postnational Kleptocracy Pride Month

Anytime there is a crime the first question to ask is who gained. The answer to that question wasn’t Trump or his supporters it was the left all of them. In the end they will lose for having done this. The lying in state of officer Siknik was absolutely disgusting and all who took part in it will be ashamed only as they’re perp walked to their cells.

I just realized what I said was not completely correct Event 201 where they war gamed the scenario we are in, was on October 18, 2019. I’d like to take a moment to remind you, that was around the time the virus got loose. Based on the books written by Klaus Schwab of the fifth Reich as I call him, you can call all of this a coincidence if you want, but please understand why I call you stupid for thinking that. I’ll be discussing Schwab a bit more as I read his books. Buy copies and be good communists and share them with each other rather than give him any more money than he deserves. One thing I found to be quite telling was that in the first book he speaks in glowing terms regarding Xi as a great world leader. Why did he do that? Schwab did that in the hope of saving him and Xi owing him a favor for having done so. Xi is in serious trouble over there right now as evidenced by the crackdowns on everything. Anytime you see that in a communist regime it is fear driven. China is in trouble globally because of the virus release and they know it. Companies are moving away from them, into India and anywhere else. What has passed for intelligentsia over here is in trouble as well. Their arrogance is what created the globalist septicemia.


Here is a video regarding Fauci and company emails. They’re pretty damning.

This is a video and an article regarding where Australia is currently.

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