800,000 Non-Citizens Will Be Allowed to Vote in New York City Elections, By Law, That's a Reality

3 years ago

It was a bill that was questioned by the outgoing Bill de Blasio, but let pass into law by the current Mayor Eric Adams, but at least 800,000 illegal citizens/non-citizens will be able to vote in LOCAL election in New York City. Obviously, you can tell this is the first step to enshrine the voting "rights" of more illegals across the country, this is merely the first step. So much for Adams being the mild mannered centrist he campaigned as!

The Epoch Times 1: https://www.theepochtimes.com/800000-noncitizens-allowed-to-vote-in-nyc-elections_4203732.html
ET2: https://www.theepochtimes.com/republicans-sue-new-york-officials-over-allowing-noncitizens-to-vote_4204363.html

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#NYC #800000IllegalVotes #EricAdams

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