Light on COVID: Armaiti May, DVM, with Susan Pitcairn, MS

2 years ago

(CENSORED ON YOU TUBE, which apparently will not allow dissent about the vaccine agenda).Long time vegan and medical freedom activist Dr. Armaiti May talks with Susan Pitcairn about how she came to see that the response to COVID-19 had nothing to do with true concern about public health, based on earlier work with vaccine legislation for schools. Delving into the vaccine agenda, the destructive impacts (especially on children) and the suppression of effective therapies, Armaiti suggests specific pro-active steps we can all take to stand up to the tyranny and build a parallel society based on humane and caring values, emphasizing local relationships and connections.

“Seeing 2020”. ( on coordinated and unprecedent persecution of doctors who discovered effective treatments for COVID. (The FDA cannot issue Emergency Use Authorization for new vaccines so quickly unless it is a pandemic emergency AND there is no effective therapy.)
“Trace Amounts” is on Amazon prime video and at:

WANT TO START A GROUP AND SUPPORT LAWSUITS? See Make Americans Free Again’s coordinated plan for weekly local in-person groups to support effective legal action, local businesses, home schooling and building community:
MAFA’s legal approach is to challenge not the constitutionality of the mandates (which has failed in court), but to charge that the whole pandemic was based on fraud, which leads to discovery procedures and far more potential for criminal prosecutions. See the Jan. 11,2022 posting on this channel of Dr. Mercolas’ interview with Pam Popper for more details and reasons to be encouraged.

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