The "Mothman" Encounters, 1966 - 1967

3 years ago

While the “mothman” has become a fixture of paranormal horror since it was adapted to film in 2002, the stories it was based on were actually far stranger than anything portrayed on screen. The wide range of events that occurred in Point Pleasant, West Virginia in 1966 and 1967 remain some of the most perplexing anomalous events in history, and they implore us to consider how they all might be related.

Thank you to Jeff Wamsley, mothman researcher (, and Ebony Martin, Graduate Research Assistant at West Virginia University Libraries.

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Think Anomalous is created by Jason Charbonneau.

Illustration by V.R. Laurence (
Research by Clark Murphy.
Music by Josh Chamberland.
Animation by Brendan Barr.
Sound design by Will Mountain and Josh Chamberland.


Barker, Gray. The Silver Bridge: The Classic Mothman Tale, 2nd Edition, ebook edition. Clarksburg, WV, USA: Saucerian Books, (1970) 2015.

Breedlove, Seth, director. The Mothman of Point Pleasant. USA: Cyfuno Ventures, Small Town Monsters, 2017. 1 hr., 7 min.

Breedlove, Seth, director. Terror in the Skies. USA: Small Town Monsters, 2019. 1 hr., 7 min.

Coleman, Loren. Mothman: Evil Incarnate. New York, NY, USA: Cosimo Books, 2017.

Derenberger, Woodrow interview. WTAP-TV. November 3rd 1966.

Dewitt, Faye in “F.I. Mothman Witness Faye Dewitt at Mothman Fest 2007,” Fortean Investigations, YouTube video, 14:35, January 17, 2011,

Goerman, Robert A. “The True Story of Mothman.”

Grabias, David, director. Search for the Mothman. Screen Gems Sinema Productions, 2002. 44 min.

Harvey, Andrew Jay. “How and why did the Mothman come into being?”

Jones, James Gay. Haunted Valley And More Folk Tales of Appalachia. McClain Printing Co., 1979.

Keel, John A. The Mothman Prophecies: A True Story, paperback edition. New York, USA: Tom Doherty Associates, (1975) 1991.

Nickell, Joe. “Mothman Revisited: Investigating on Site.” Skeptical Briefs, Volume 12.4. December 2, 2002.

Pellington, Mark, director. The Mothman Prophecies. Lakeshore Entertainment, 2002.

Pellowski, Matthew J., director. Eyes of the Mothman. New York, NY, USA: Virgil Films, 2011. 2 hr., 30 min.

Sergent Jr., Donnie, and Jeff Wamsley. Mothman: The Facts Behind The Legend, expanded edition. Mark S. Phillips Publishing, (2002) 2020.

Sheppard, Susan in “Susan Sheppard at Mothman Fest 2011 (part 1 of 3).” ForteanResearch. YouTube video, 14:58. September 19, 2011., Pt2, Pt3

Ury, Thomas in “Mothman Witness Tom Ury speaks at Mothman Fest 2011. Part 1 (of 4).” Fortean Investigations. YouTube video, 14:39. September 19, 2011.

Wamsley, Jeff in “MOTHMAN of Point Pleasant Lecture by Jeff Wamsley @ Creature Weekend 2017 Cryptozoology.” Spectral Wolfpack Paranormal. YouTube video, 49:20. January 3, 2018.

Wamsley, Jeff. Mothman: Behind the Red Eyes. Point Pleasant, WV, USA: Mothman Press, 2005.

News Articles:

Austin, Jon. “MOTHMAN PROPHECIES: 'dread' as legendary 'man-sized bird' seen by three separate witnesses.” Express. May 2, 2017.

Bennett, Roger. “Monster No Joke For Those Who Saw It.” Athens Messenger. November 18, 1966.

Charleston Gazette. "'Flying Man' Seen Here, Man Claims." November 18, 1966.

Hyre, Mary. "Winged, Red-Eyed 'Thing' Chases Point Couples Across Countryside." Athens Messenger. November 16, 1966.

Point Pleasant Register. "Couples See Man-Sized Bird...Creature...Something." November 16, 1966.

Siler, Pat. "Bird, Plane Or Batman? Mason Countians Hunt 'Moth Man.'" Huntington Herald-Dispatch. November 17, 1966.

United Press International. “Eight People Say They Saw 'Creature.’” November 18, 1966.

United Press International. “Parkersberg Salesman Speaks with Spaceman.” Raleigh Register, November 4, 1966.

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