Heroic Dr. Mel Bruchet MD, 80 years old, handcuffed, drugged, and imprisoned for warning us.

2 years ago

This video may be seen in 3 parts (total of 2 hours). The first hour was held with Dr Nagase alone during the time that Dr Bruchet was initially missing, drugged and locked up. Dr Nagase relates the events of Br Bruchet’s abduction by police and his abuse within the covid-agenda dominated BC health “care” system. In the second half of the first hour, Dr Nagase shares the story of a 43 year old father of three, whose in hospital covid “treatment”, best described as criminal assault, ended with his death. The second hour of the video is an interview with Dr Bruchet also present. This was held after he had endured the weeks of abuse and incarceration spanning Christmas and New Years. See what you think: is Dr Bruchet crazy and demented, or intelligent and wise?

Source: https://drtrozzi.org/2022/01/10/heroic-dr-mel-bruchet-md-80-years-old-handcuffed-drugged-and-imprisoned-for-warning-us/

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