NOVAX Djokovic -Ch 7 - When the Camera is Left Running

3 years ago

Listen to these disgusting puppets - Brainwashing the sheeple with LIES for TWO YEARS and now they are butt hurt - cause someone is standing up for their rights and wont be an EXPERIMENTAL guinea pig ???
a V@X is supposed to STOP YOU from getting it.. and STOP YOU from spreading it. and STOP YOU from DYING. ( from this common cold 99.9% survival rate )
SSooo.... we're @rseholes if we dont want to die from the Clot Shot and get a Nano-Microchip implanted under our skin ?
These two should be FIRED effective immediately.
No " everyone doesnt think he's an @rsehole "
He may be one of the one eye covering free mason puppets sure-- but the narrative is all wrong again.. thanks to braindead - smug - arrogant - IGNORANT - pathetic- useless robots like these..
Australia There IS A CURE for COVID !!! Turn off your TELL-LIE-VISION and stop listening to THESE @RSEHOLES !!!!

FEAR and CONSENT is why this hasnt ended yet.

What did you think when you gave your body to a medical experiment that your CORRUPT - TREASONOUS and TYRANNICAL government was running.. You think they guna give out FREE Cancer cure ?? hahaha think again.

So the same group of people that have said the world is over populated want to save us all now ?? WTF

Future PM of Australia - ROBBO DA YOBBO speak'n

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