The David Knight Show 11Jan22 - Unabridged

3 years ago

Hr 1 Seg 1:
Is Washington state about to enact NEW quarantine camps? The truth is more sensational than what you’ve been told

Hr 1 Seg 2: begins approximately 00:25:19
* Audit Fed? Start With These 3 Guilty of Insider Trading. The Vice Char of the Federal Reserve and 2 regional presidents have been caught rigging markets (as usual) but profiting personally. Should they get the Martha Stewart treatment?
* Goldman & JP Morgan (Dimon) try to outdo each other with dire predictions of 3, 4, or more interest rate increases. What will happen if the Fed DOES raise rates several times?

Hr 1 Seg 3: begins approximately 00:42:48
* Real wages are declining — much faster than the government says
* Newsom is going to offer free health care for illegals AND cut taxes
* Andrew McCabe sees right wing terrorists under every rock.
* How the Pentagon & CIA use movies and TV to propagandize (part 1)

Hr 2 Seg 1: begins approximately 00:57:00
Eric Peters,, joins: the plan to ration mobility - the rent-trap side of “you will own nothing”, Musk’s Boring traffic & safety issues, and prepping for mobility and independence

Hr 2 Seg 2: begins approximately 01:42:56
* How the Pentagon & CIA use movies and TV to propagandize (part 2) “Theater of War”
* USA Today tries to sell the idea that gun owners are Nazis, literally
* California sends nurse who tested POSITIVE into work at hospital
* Connecticut sends sick elderly into nursing homes, but it’s happening everywhere as a listener’s letter points out

Hr 3 Seg 1: begins approximately 02:06:44
* MailChimp shuts us down even as CDC, Fauci & NY admit we were right
* Listener’s letter about EVERYONE he knows vaccinated, then sick, but still clinging to the illusion that the jabs are great
* UK General Practitioners paid big bounty to jab. Hired Killers?

Hr 3 Seg 2: begins approximately 02:19:38
* Gateway Pundit and some Catholics op-eds are telling people that NovaVax is effective and free of any abortion connection. NOT TRUE
* Those injured by Trump shots are being purged of their life line to get and share info by social media censorship
* They are losing the narrative of fear as people live their lives and other people see it. NY, California, Chicago, are all pulling back the dictatorship

Hr 3 Seg 3: begins approximately 02:45:00
* CDC admits that “covid deaths” are people dying with co-morbidities — as I’ve said from the beginning. So why are they telling some truth now?

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