Why Greece has Fallen | All Orthodox Countries will Fall

3 years ago

God is transferring the Light of Christ from the gentiles to the Egyptians, Assyrians, and Jews. There will be a group of jews that will be condemned. Those from the tribe of Dan will be condemned. Many Jews will choose Jesus Christ over Antichrist. All Orthodox Countries will soon apostasize completely as Greece just has. Those in Orthodox Countries can escape through the catacombs and wilderness. Egypt, Assyria and Israel will convert to Orthodoxy and the rest of the world falls into deeper and deeper apostasy. The Levant will also all convert to Orthodoxy.
The Holy Bible Isaiah Chapter 19

St. Cyril of Alexandria
Art. 24-25 On that day, Israel will be the third in the Egyptians and in Assyrians, blessed on earth, bless the Lord of hosts on the south, saying: bless my people, who are in Egypt and those who are in Assyria, and my inheritance is Israel

Israel is called the firstborn among sons. But since he dealt cruelly with Christ, he is placed behind the pagans and, as it were, received the second place by lot; for the time of conversion is predetermined for him too. Therefore, it is written that when the fulfillment of tongues enters, then all Israel will be saved (Rom. 11: 25-26) . Pay careful attention to the fact that he is mentioned as the third among these - between the Assyrians and the Egyptians. Assyrians , as I said, here calls those who inhabited the entire eastern country, especially the one located between the rivers, in which (the country), they say, and there are true worshipers, leading a strict ascetic lifestyle, kindred and close to the lifestyle of the Egyptians, are distinguished by their equally ardent zeal and zeal for all good and virtue. Therefore, God of all sorts says: bless my people, those in Egypt, and those in Assyria. Israel is listed third ; and the reason for this the prophetic word has shown us before; for he killed the Lord and is set behind others, as David says: and in the latter was the firstborn.


Art. 20-22 And he will be a sign and a testimony of the Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt, because they will cry to the Lord because of the oppressors, and He will send them a savior and an intercessor, and deliver them ... And the Lord will smite Egypt; will strike and heal; they will turn to the Lord and He will hear them and heal them

And who He was was foretold by the prophets before. That He was God, Isaiah predicted in this way: They will worship You and cry out to You, because in You there is God, and we did not understand this, God of Israel ... Likewise, that He was a man ... Isaiah also narrates: And the Lord will send them a man who will save them and, having done judgment, will heal them.

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