Antichrist's Characteristics | One World Religion

3 years ago

From Starets Lavrentii
In the middle of WW3 people will call for the election of a universal king. The UN will introduce him as a man who has devised unique solutions for the world’s problems. He is brilliant and speaks many languages. He appears to be honest and doesn’t take bribes, he doesn’t fornicate with women, he’s mild-mannered. He appears to be so good and inclusive and caring of everybody including christians. The press and television will propagandize on his behalf. They’ll do everything necessary to promote him and his ideas of one world currency and one world order. He will become the most popular man in history and the world will vote him into the newly created post of president of the UN. He will have established world wide peace and a one world currency as well as a hedonist new age religion. Then upon his enthronement he will quickly establish a short period of unprecedented world wide prosperity.
From Archpriest Nicholas Ragozin
There will come such a time when all the clergy will be traitors.
Read the third book of Ezdra, it’s all written there.
There will be a time when we will not be allowed to go to Church because on the communion bread there will be a pentagram that will replace the cross. People will agree and accept the six corner star.
The Antichrist will be accepted by the clergy then you won’t be able to go to church anymore. Instead of icons in the church there will be portraits of the Antichrist. They’ll modify the creed. They will remove the chest with the Holy Gifts inside the altar and consider it unnecessary. They will not say the Our Father prayer any longer. When the Holy Gifts are not visible on the Altar the end is near. Most of the Clergy will receive the mark. In our Orthodox Church, soon women will be allowed to be priests. We should endure all torments and hunger. God will allow you to feel full and healthy by eating the dirt, after you say a prayer. Nowhere in the world is safe since they have satellites that can track every place in the world. It would be better to die during world war 3 than to see Antichrist. The 8th ecumenical council will be filthy and unclean. During the 8th ecumenical council, when the clergy is about to recite the Creed, the Antichrist will say no I am your god and he will make a bird flying by, come and be at his feet. The bird will come through a wall without the wall breaking, and drop dead at his feet. At this council there will be lots of orthodox priests. When they see this wonder, they’ll bow to the Antichrist, and a huge rainbow will surround the Antichrist at this council.

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