Comfort in Our Storms

3 years ago

Comfort in Our Storms

God bless each and every person listening to these words and surround them with Your love, protection and angels. Lord, we know that even in the darkest hours, You are always with us. Amen.

The Lord began speaking to Mother Clare, "I know your struggles beloved ones. Yes, you are MY Beloved ones, truly in every way. I do not look at your weaknesses or lack of form and call you to account, but I cherish you for still listening for My voice.

"Do you know how many give up, thinking it is their imagination? More than you can number. Many, many more than you can number. That is why I am so delighted with you who do not give up, because you are not looking at your failures to disqualify you, your eyes and heart are fixed on My mercy in still wanting to use you in spite of your lapses and failures.

"I have been watching you keenly these last few weeks as you struggle to stay on track and all I can say is that you are making a heroic effort to be faithful and I do not count your failures or difficulties against you, rather they work for you. Your faith in My goodness has captured My Heart, and it is for this reason that I will continue to use you.

"Don't be dismayed by the tossing waves and blustery winds that knock you from side to side. These all have value when you continue to believe in Me and stay at your work. Oh, my precious heart dwellers, take a lesson from this. Multitudes of demons are assigned to those who have chosen to help Me, in spite of their weaknesses, and they toss you to and fro when you are attempting to carry through faithfully with what I have told you.

"If I took these away from you all of a sudden you would feel like you were in Heaven. But no, you have agreed to receive them as My gift to you, and they count in releasing so much grace even to the very ones who are continually after you. I am saying this to you all because I want you to stop looking at yourself, your weaknesses and break downs, your inner and outer struggles, stop looking at those and disqualifying yourselves. Rather, recognize that these broken and battered places are there specifically so you will overcome them and stop trying to qualify yourself and others for this life I have chosen you for.

"You are weak, this is true. You are selfish, this also is true. You tire easily, become despondent, look for comfort, and lay down on the job. Every one of you have these faults in common, but I called you because I love you and you love Me and are willing to present yourself lock, stock and barrel, to work in My vineyard.

"I find My delight in your faith and understanding of My mercy. I am comforted by your trust and greatly encouraged when you confess your weaknesses and ask for My help. I am blessed when you tell others how I worked through you in spite of your many short comings. Those who hear this from you, themselves begin to imagine that I might accept them into My service as well.

"Listen you weak ones, you insufficient ones, you battered and storm tossed ones, I am all Mercy for you and there is nothing I would not do to help you stand firmly to your feet and carry out a mission for Me. However, you who find yourselves self-sufficient, educated, refined and accomplished, take note, I do not find My pleasure in your musing of those lesser ones. It is in fact repulsive to Me.

Your thoughts of disapproval are a noxious odor to Me, and lay snares at My little one's feet. Shed this self-righteousness and see yourselves naked, standing before Me and then I shall give an accounting of your faults. If you could see clearly, you would be horrified at your nakedness before me.

"It is the cloud of pride and self-righteousness that obscures your vision. It is your high standing in the world that has warped your reasoning. I suggest you shed these garments of self-approval and ask for a sound and clear mind to see who you truly are before me and all the approval and pomp you brought with you from the world, it is nauseating to Me.

"When you finally see yourself before Me as you truly are, you will never again find fault with the little ones, rather you will applaud them for their courage to be who they are in spite of what the world counts them to be. When you are finally free from all that self-affirmation, then you will see your nakedness and I shall be very pleased with what you see, and begin again to build you up.-- --

"My people, you can talk all you want, about how important humility is, but that only serves to condemn your self-righteousness, for the contents of your heart are visible to all by your thoughts and actions. Therefore, I exhort you to come before Me naked and allow Me to show you who you truly are. Then you can embrace the true meaning of humility and your thoughts and actions will testify to it.

"I do not leave you helpless, even now as you read this, I am bringing you deeper into My truth, the truth you need to see and embrace. I will never abandon you in your struggle against pride, please don't ever abandon Me as I bring you before My Mirror."

Right after I shared this message, the community prayed the Rosary and Our Lady had a beautiful confirmation for us, as we prayed the third joyful mystery, the birth of Jesus.

She began, "Such humble surroundings, such great glory. This is the whole point of the earlier message. Glory will manifest in abject poverty of spirit and earthly status; it is the glory of the most poor and impoverished that the Lord seeks. My children this setting is full of images that contrast the rich and luxurious. A stable, a place for animals, the most lowly of God's creation. No plush blankets and crib, rather the poverty of a simple feeding trough, for whom one would someday become the very bread of life, bread for the life of the world. The place was chosen to show forth the barest of provision in a most despicable location, one the cultured would totally reject.

"Only the simple and pure of heart would recognize the great wonder God performed there on that night. Christ is for the lowly and pure of heart. It is the same in this day, most find this poverty and simplicity an affront to their culture.-- -- Because He came for the poor and outcast, they recognize Him more readily.

"Kings and princes only seek Him for power and control, the very heart of His mission was never understood by such as these. And so, it must be with you beloved ones. Seek to be the lowliest because you are seeking the highest value of all the universe, and this treasure you will find and it is only proper that you should keep it hidden under the cloak of humility to protect it from being stolen through pride and vainglory.

"Do not be afraid to set aside your earthly laurels, your efficient and business-like ways that impress others with your competence. Do not be afraid to be soft and gentle, almost meek and shy in your conversations. Mankind does not need to be impressed; mankind needs to be loved.-- --

"And for those of you who came from the world with alphabet soup after your names, those who were considered sharp and cutting edge, you have a great deal of work to do to resemble your Savior. I invite you to be reborn in the crib of Bethlehem, and welcome a new way of being, a new life, full of gentleness, littleness, slow to speak, quick to listen, always thinking the best about one another, always affirming and patient. In this way you will resemble my Son and be a very real part of the family He was born into.-- --

"Pray to be cleansed from the acrid odors of the world, rife with judgment, competition and self-righteousness. Let Bethlehem be your heritage and birth place, strive to be free from the acrid and astringent odors of the world. Be the sweet fragrance of heaven in all your efforts my very precious ones."

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