Antichrist will rule the world from Jerusalem | The Third Temple

3 years ago

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From Archmandrite Athanasios Mitilinaios pg. 143-145 from his book titled "Revelation: The seven trumpets & The Antichrist" (you can buy it on amazon)
"Could the allegorical city be Jerusalem? From a number of relevant circumstances it does seem that it is the geographical Jerusalem. Initially, let's refer to Saint Andrew of Caesarea. and this is precisely why I read the opinions of the Fathers - to fully support our teachings. I know the opinions of the Church Fathers can be tiring for us, but I do this so that no can accuse us of providing our own personal interpretation; god forbid. I do not interpret anything by myself.) Saint Andrew of Caesarea writes, "And he will abandon their bodies unburied in this Jerusalem, ancient Jerusalem, the one which has been destroyed, the same one in which the Lord suffered.” So, it takes place in the old Jerusalem which was destroyed by the Romans, in that city where Christ suffered and was crucified. Saint Andrew continues, "It seems that in this city, there will rise from a royal house, an imitation of David the king from whom God's Son, Christ, our true God was born in the flesh, so that he (the Antichrist) can convince the Jews that he is fulfilling the prophetic word, "I will rebuild the dwelling of David, which has fallen and I will set it up." The Antichrist intends to convince the Jewish people that he is fulfilling the prophecy of David by settling in Jerusalem. He will tell them that he has come to fulfill the prophecy, which calls for the resurrection of the fallen tabernacle of David and restoring what was destroyed in it. he is certainly not going to deceive the Jewish people by doing this in New York City or in Melbourne, Australia or somewhere in Luxembourg. The Antichrist will do this in the specific geographical city of Jerusalem. Thus, a metaphor does not apply here.
There are other details that point to Jerusalem as well. First, the whole scenery of the vision with the measuring of the temple refers to this specific city. We see all these things unfolding (although we have not seen them yet). for example, we see that the Antichrist is rebuilding the temple which would certainly not be the one we are using now to hold our catechisms, the Church of the Resurrection. Saint Cyril says, "The Antichrist will never be in the temple of God!" Never! Obviously, the temple of Solomon which had been destroyed is the temple the Antichrist will rebuild, and not in any other city but Jerusalem. Thus, when we see these crucial developments, they will help us to discern the signs of the times.
Consider the state of television programming - it does nothing but corrupt. The quality of entertainment, the state of our politics, the economy, the system of education - all have been instituted and infected by anti-Christian masterminds. They have accomplished their goals for the most part. The main goal is to beat thee nations (as a fisherman beats on a hard rock to make it soft) to paralyze the nations. Then the Antichrist will come and proclaim "I am here to save you. I will save you." After all those years of propaganda the nations will not be able to react at all, and in their despair they will welcome the idea of a one-world governor."

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