Antichrist will come as a Roman King (Western Leader) during WW3

3 years ago

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From Saint Andrew of Caesarea on the Apocalypse (you can buy the book on Amazon)
Probably by divine permission the Euphrates is lessened to give passage to the kings of the nations for the purpose of them utterly destroying one another and the rest of humanity, which we think were set into motion out of parts of Scythia recalling Gog and Magog, according to that which is brought out later in the Apocalypse. Probably the Antichrist also will come from the eastern areas of the land of Persia, where the tribe of Dan originates from the root of the Hebrews, together either with other kings or with other kings or with rulers designated with a royal name to cross over the Euphrates bringing bodily or spiritual death upon people, upon some "bodily death" through faith and patient endurance,  and upon others "spiritual death" through cowardice and weakness. 1. And the beast that was and is not, it is an eighth, but it is from the seven, and it goes to perdition. The beast is the Antichrist; as the eighth he will be raised up after the seven kings for the purpose of deceiving and desolating the earth. From the seven, as from one of them, he will spring forth. For he will not come from another nation, along the lines of the things we have already said, but he will come as a king of the Romans for the purpose of the dissolution and perdition of those who were persuaded by him, and after this he will go forth into the perdition of Gehenna.

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