ISLAM IS PURE MONOTHEISM: Injecting haraam poison to do something corrupted, and arguably invalid?!!

2 years ago

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I seek refuge with Allah against the Satan, the outcast.
Terrible video, admittedly, but once I heard my family members were taking the poison in order to travel and "worship" Allah, I decided to compile this during the weekend and be done with it as one can easily destroy their mental health over this topic.

The information contained in here is the most important aspect though, not how it is presented. This is not a professional production for entertainment value, although I do hope someone will do an "Arrivals"-type video in the near future, this is purely for educational purposes - for those who can still save themselves from completely losing control over themselves and are not entirely blind to the reality. Maybe even those who have taken some shots, may decide to not take any more.

And cover not Truth with falsehood, nor conceal the Truth when ye know (what it is).
[Surah Baqarah (The Cow), 2:42]

Say: "The Truth has arrived, and Falsehood neither creates anything new, nor restores anything."
[Surah Saba, 34:49]

Then woe that Day to those that treat (Truth) as Falsehood.
[Surah At-Tur (Mount Sinai), 52:11]

00:00:45 - 2030 plan to remove all Islamic historical sites but preserve the Jewish sites
00:01:01 - Islam is being mistaken for Satanism (Saturnism, Black Sun worship)
00:02:30 - Hidden Jewish efforts turning 'Sacred Ka'bah' into paganism Black Cube polytheistic worship
00:08:10 - Jamaraat (Obelisk) Stoning Shaitaan deception took place in 2004
00:13:45 - Obelisk (Satan's Phallus) has now been placed on holiest site of Mount Arafaat
00:24:24 - True Golden Rectangle / Golden Cuboid shape and previous historical colours of the 'Sacred Ka'bah'
00:41:41 - Yemeni black & red, then white, then red, then yellow, then green etc
00:44:38 - 'Sacred Ka'bah' actual dimensions unclear but have been changed
00:48:14 - Burning/humiliating Dajjal's power symbol (Satan's government symbols)
01:04:27 - The Curse of Mecca due to paganism and disobedience to Allah
01:16:54 - Pharaoh's, Hitler's & other Obelisks: Old Pillars of the New World Government
01:21:15 - Bible's warnings about worshipping Satan's Obelisks and his seed
01:23:50 - Norman Foster's 666 designs & Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA)
01:29:22 - The original big Black Stone (Hajar-ul-Aswad), cornerstone, meteorite fragmented
01:39:34 - All ancient mystery religions were all about fertility (Arabian idol worship)
01:48:54 - Ba'al worship warning in the Qur'an (37:125) - "Curse on Ummah not lifted?"
01:58:55 - Saudi Kingdom (Jewish government) removing Islamic heritage
02:03:54 - Righteous killing and justifiable homicide in the Prophet's Way
02:13:57 - Sun, Moon & Crescent symbols (devil-worship) in and out of the Haram (un-Islamic)
02:31:13 - Jesus name comes from Isus & numerous forms of Trinity worship throughout history
02:37:13 - Jews "Return to Mecca" (Dennis Avi Lipkin) & the Tefillin/Black Cube similarity
02:40:39 - Quetzalcoatl, Great Awakening deception, Trump Warpspeed Psyop, Abraham Accord coin
02:48:48 - Ignorance is Dajjal's greatest weapon to keep you in Idolatry and on the wrong path

Allah has made the Ka’bah, the Sacred House, an establishment for mankind and [has sanctified] the Sacred months and the sacrificial (animals) offerings and the garlands [by which they are identified]. That is so you may know that Allah knows what is in the heavens and what is in the earth and that Allah is All-Knowing of every thing.
[Surah Al-Ma'idah (The Table Spread), 5:97]

Do you call upon Baal and forsake the Best of Creators
[Surah As-Saaffaat (Those Ranged in Ranks), 37:125]

And of His Signs are the night and day and the sun and moon. Do not prostrate to the sun nor to the moon, but prostrate to Allah, The One Who created them, if you worship Him alone.
[Surah Fussilat (Expounded), 41:37]

Thawban narrated that the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) said: "The Hour shall not be established until tribes of my Ummah unite with the idolaters, and until they worship idols. And indeed there shall be thirty imposters in my Ummah, each of them claiming that he is a Prophet. And I am the last of the Prophets, there is no Prophet after me."

Sheikh Omar Baloch

Dr Omar Zaid

Dave Abdellah

Ameen (secure, trustworthy) but only exactly as it is in the Qur'an. أَمِينٍ

[ Where ever I made a mistake in this video, an error, or forgot something to mention, may Allah forgive me and bestow mercy on me ]

#mecca #blackcube #obelisk

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