Day 11 – Are We Ready for Revival?

2 years ago

Are We REALLY Ready for Revival?

What is God Doing?

Does God care? Or are we on our own in this mess?

God is going to do one of three or four things …
1. Either there is going to be End-Time Judgement in the land … or

2. We are entering in to the Dispensation of Tribulation … or

3. The Lord is going to honor our request for an end-time Revival in the land … or maybe

4. God is going to do something entirely different and in His timing He will reveal His plans.
We have talked in the past about these times as being “like the days of Noah” and that it is time to get serious about your relationship with Jesus …

But tonight I want to talk with you about “What is Revival?” … just so that we are prepared for whatever the Lord has planned.
We are going to take a look at how God changed the history of the United States and the World … you might say that “what happens in the United States does not stay in the United States … it goes out to all the world!”

So even though we might be talking about what God has done IN the United States, I want you to consider your OWN country because God is no respecter of persons or nations …

And what He did IN the United States He can and WILL do for you and YOUR own nation!

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