The Truth , You have Been Lied Too..

2 years ago

Time of the Great Tribulation of 7 years is coming around the bend. Satan has deceived even the purest beings of the elect angels sent from Christ Jesus to prepare for Armageddon. Many have fallen into New Age traps and are lost.

Things day by day and night by night getting more intense ,random disasters by the four horseman world wide. As we continue to show you this is end of days just like it was in days of Noah.

Many don't want their illusion shattered and many still don't believe in Jesus or read his words and warnings or take it seriously.

You will have one last chance during the tribulation to REPENT to Jesus and be reborn of water 💦 Baptized in Jesus name to receive the holy armour of GOD through Wisdom Sophia Holy Spirit. She will guide and give you Wisdom that has been hidden from you.

Then Reborn of your spirit from Within by accepting Jesus Christ fully 💯 percent and letting go of all Sin/Duality created to hold you back. And accepting the fact That he Died to FREE you from hell.

Darkness and the Fallen angels have been showing themselves through massive actions and symbolism, everyday demons are on the prowl jumping from host to host that have taken the Mark of the beast 💉‼️💉..

Many still don't believe that the mark of the 💉. You are unevenly yoked if you desolated your image of God/Faith in your DNA. You were made in his image but will no longer be once you DNA changes.

So what do you think happens when you mix NANO in a vaccine that is already designed to slowly kill you. ??

Now mix in Graphene , Luciferase (Lucifer) and VRIL eggs in some of the random 💉 just like the Polish Dr Mondae said there were eggs/ creatures latching on inside of humans.

Vril Reptillian Hybrids , a creation for their NEW WORLD ORDER, Puppets who will do whatever they want. A program Ai.Aka Beast System 😷.. to depopulate 666 Triangle social distancing , 6666 HR patent , name of the beast 💉.

Ever seen the new movie Encounter!! They take over the human host and manipulate their behaviors.

Fear and Separation from Society in order to Comply with Satan's Mark. Remember Lucifer is the prince of the air/ airwaves internet 5G...

Please seek Jesus/Yeshua before it's too late for you, as tomorrow is not promised.. for all those reading this that have not accepted Jesus but have not taken the Mark. Don't be like the Fool.. and wait till last minute!!

It's your choice whether to pick the narrow path or the white path but you know where you end up for each one is your choice.

I AM Truth Wisdom Justice ⚖️
I AM Captain Archangel Jophiel of My Lords Army 😇🗡️⚡🎺🔥

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