Who owns Who? Government Corporate-Senate connections 2020. Expose the Swamp.

3 years ago

Who owns who in the government? Lobbying and Campaign donations rule in Washington. Studies have proven that congressmen are significantly more likely to pass legislation based on the desires of their lobbyists and donors, rather than based on what the average US citizen actually wants.

This video list is but a small glimpse into some of the questionable connections that exist between the legislative branch and Wall street. The Swamp is very real.

Information based on a sampling of the data available from opensecrets.org
which is a site that tracks publicly available data that the "oligarchy" generally doesn't want people to know. Or at least given the lack of media coverage, doesn't want you to think about.

Study cited:

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Background Music used:
Scientific Reasoning -- Downtempo!Action!Background - TeknoAXE
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